• Atlantic Cod

    Gadus morhua

    Atlantic Cod

    Gadus morhua

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl / long-line
    Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
    Product specification: Fillets, loins, portions and blocks

  • Haddock

    Melanogrammus aeglefinus


    Melanogrammus aeglefinus

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl / long-line
    Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
    Product specification: Fillets, loins, portions and blocks

  • Saithe

    Pollachius virens


    Pollachius virens

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl / long-line
    Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
    Product specification: Fillets, loins, portions and blocks

  • Redfish

    Sebastes mentella


    Sebastes mentella

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl
    Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
    Product specification: Whole/round, headed and gutted, fillets 

  • Greenland Halibut

    Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

    Greenland Halibut

    Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl / long-line / gillnet
    Packing: Shatterpacked / IQF / blocks
    Product specification: Whole/round, headed and gutted, fillets 

  • Snow Crab

    Chionoecetes opilio

    Snow Crab

    Chionoecetes opilio

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Pots and traps
    Packing: 30 lbs / 10 lbs
    Product specification: Sections / clusters, cocktail claws and leg-meat sections.

  • Capelin

    Mallotus villosus


    Mallotus villosus

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl and purse seine
    Packing: 2x12,5 kg, 13 kg, 14 kg, 25 kg
    Product specification      Whole/round

  • Atlantic Mackerel

    Scomber scombrus

    Atlantic Mackerel

    Scomber scombrus

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught
    Catching method: Trawl and purse seine
    Packing: 2x12,5 kg, 13 kg, 14 kg, 25 kg
    Product specification: Whole/round

  • Herring

    Clupea harengus


    Clupea harengus

    FAO: 21,27

    Product description: Wild caught 
    Catching method: Trawl and purse seine 
    Packing: 2x14 kg, 13 kg, 14 kg, 28 kg
    Product specification: Whole/round 

DanSea Nordic is BRCGC certified for food safety and quality

We are proud to announce that as per May 2024, we are certified according to the BRCGC standard.


The food safety standard is the leading Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) scheme ensuring best practice in food safety, quality and responsibility.


We are registered as Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (Sedex) supplier. Sedex specializes in ethical trade and responsible business practices in global supply chains with focus on supply chain transparency, social responsibility, labour standards, health and safety, environment, and business ethics.


BRCGC certificate

We are certified traders, and we aim to deal with certified suppliers

We support responsible fishing practices to secure resources for future generations.


We hold MSC Chain of Custody certification and the natural choice for our wild caught seafood is MSC certified products. We also hold ASC certification for farmed seafood.